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Releasing You From a Guilty Spirit

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We've all been there, we sin against God, and we repent; only to repeat the process. This leaves behind a deep sense of letting God down, thus we can never truly grasp that God favors us above all his creation and desires we love him above all our love for others. We fail to realize that He wants to continue the relationship in spite of our imperfections. 

That doesn't mean that sin is ok with God, especially unconfessed sin. He doesn't want us to throw up our hands and say "what's the use I know the deal why bother, God will just forgive me anyhow and I'm just gonna repeat it anyhow" How can God forgive us if we don't ask for it and repent of that sin. 

That being said, God still desires us above all things and wants us in favor with Him. He loves us! look at what the apostle Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 1:4 "For we know, brothers and sisters[b] loved by God, that he has chosen you," We don't have to feel hopeless and unloved. The Bible yes says that He Judges the just and the unjust, but his judgement is not without mercy. If we truly trust him with our lives than we even do ourselves. If we accept him as our choice and are in relationship with him like a wife chooses to follow her husband. We have to be in love with Jesus, even above "the sin that so easily besets us". Besets: is the act of stumbling over something or causes us to fail or fall in the way. 

If we truly want to go from a life of guilt and that lives the Jesus way or Spiritual Husband; then we need to surrender to him and allow what he did at Calvary cover us in his love and remove a guilt filled life to an understanding that God doesn't want to judge us, he wants to love on us and enrich us in that way that he loves us so that we turn away from our wicked ways and he can heal us towards him, because he truly loves us!!!  

Posted by William Price with
in Faith

The Bible and Israel

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What is it about Israel that makes her the apple of God's eye? She is the very promise of God to Abraham. Israel was the promised child, a nation born out of that promise. The very God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the very root that blossomed to the nation. It is the only nation recognised by God because it was started by God. It is this tree that the Church was born. It birthed the Savior via a virgin Hebrew girl. Raised in a Hebrew household before His Hebrew earthly parents and His Heavenly Father. He had twelve plus Hebrew disciples that Helped begin and shape the Church. at no time did God chop down the tree. It is upon this tree (Israel) that we are blessed as we bless them not the other way around. It is when we curse the things/ matters of God that we are cursed (Genesis 12:2-3).

Why would we possibly think that the Church replaces Israel? God establishes things for the eternal when He makes a promise. We need to earnestly read His word from cover to cover to get what God has established. A Hebrew savior was God walking among the Hebrew people to save them if they would accept him. And just because Hebrew people rejected him then doesn't mean they always will, nor has he rejected his promise to them. Jesus will sit upon a Hebrew throne in a hebrew nation in its most coveted city, Its capital Jerusalem.  He will open the eastern gate that has been closed by man. And then shall all things be made right in the world!!! 

No God has not forsaken Israel, because He never forsakes His promises!!! 

Posted by William Price with

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