Molehills Out of Mountains

Jesus told his disciples to look at the mountain, and then told them if they had as little faith as the grain of a mustard seed, they could tell the mountain to be removed and it would be cast into the sea.
We know that spiritually speaking we see mountains in our live that seem to insurmountable to climb let alone be removed. But faith is not based upon our ability, but rather who we have faith in. The Bible tells us that what is impossible with man is not impossible with God. In fact it goes on to say that With God all things are possible. We must remember that placing our faith in God activates the power that God has in our lives and he then by our faith in him removes the mountain that seemed so incredible and removes it into the sea out of our way!!!
Are there mountains in your life that seem too big? We'd love to here from you to help you and encourage you in the faith> Write us a note and we'll respond in love God bless!!!